Book Review, Picture Books

Can You Find My Eid Presents? by A.M. Dassu & Junissa Bianda

Festive stories are so important for children and often become wrapped up in their memories of special days. It’s wonderful to see authors creating these treasured stories for a greater range of festivals so children who celebrate them can see their culture on the pages and so other children can enjoy learning about a variety of traditions and their significance with respect.

Can You Find My Eid Presents by AM Dassu and Junissa Bianda follows young Hana as she tries to help her busy mum get ready for their Eid celebrations. Hana is sent to collect the Eid presents from her parents’ bedroom but they’re no where to be found! As she searches the house, different parts of their traditions are revealed. In the end, she finds the gifts at Nani’s house. Hana is relieved but realises spending time with her family is the best present of all.

Thank you to Scholastic UK for a copy of this lovely book!

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