Book Review, Middle Grade Fiction

The Mermaid in the Millpond by Lucy Strange & Pam Smy

Books from Barrington Stoke are so often my go-to recommendations for teachers and parents.

First and foremost, they are fantastically engaging stories from some of the best, current authors in the UK. The quality of the writing is incredible and children are soon carried away in the adventures.

What makes Barrington Stoke books really special is their dyslexia-friendly style. The font, spacing and page tint combined with specially selected, accessible vocabulary mean that so many children can enjoy these brilliant books.

Their new middle grade books for January 2021 are no different. Fun, diverse and so engaging, they are sure to be a hit!

The Mermaid in the Millpond

by Lucy Strange & Pam Smy

The Mermaid in the Millpond caught me off guard with its powerful symbolism and honesty about the treatment of children in workhouses and mills in the 19th century. Lucy Strange has used beautiful language and engaging characters to portray a challenging situation with hope and a determination to survive.

The daughter of a Covent Garden actress who died from tuberculosis, Bess has signed on at a cotton mill in the countryside. Hoping to avoid the workhouse, she has been fooled by the lie of a good home, delicious food and caring employers. Instead, she finds herself a prisoner of even harsher conditions with little chance of escape.

Trapped and alone, she discovers that the story of the mermaid in the millpond might actually be true. Can Bess and her new friend, Dot, help the mermaid escape and free themselves in the process?

This story is perfect for children in Year 5 & 6 who are learning about this era in their history lessons. The Barrington Stoke touch means it will be accessible for everyone so even children who find reading more difficult will be able to join in the class novel study.

Thank you to Barrington Stoke for this powerful book!

Books by Kate Heap (ad):

Order Fiction & Poetry and Non-fiction for Year Two on the links below:

Books for Years 3 -6:

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