Blog Tour, Book Review, Middle Grade Fiction

The Last Dragon by Polly Ho-Yen ~ Blog Tour

The Last Dragon is a wonderfully magical middle grade adventure with powerful messages of environmental protection, rewilding and hope. I devoured it in one sitting, desperate to know what would happen to Yara, her sister and the dragon’s egg.

Yara lives in a world where dragons exist – well, just one dragon – the last dragon. Scientists have been observing it and studying the few eggs it lays very closely. What power does the dragon hold? How can they help it to survive? Why are its eggs always empty? Will this truly be the last dragon with no descendant to continue the species?

Yara has seen the dragon twice before. She still remembers the energy of its wings, like a heartbeat that thrummed in her soul. She remembers watching the dragon fly overhead with her sister, George, and being amazed at its size and speed. Now, George is in the hospital with an unknown illness and her doctors don’t know what to do to help her. Mum and Dad are worried and struggling to cope with work, home and visits to the hospital. Yara is often left on her own, worrying about George and missing the family they once were. She is angry and not sure how to cope. Her teacher is losing patience with her and things just keep getting worse.

Then, unexpectedly, the dragon comes to Yara in the park. Surrounding her with its massive body, she is overwelmed by its warmth and power. She feels a connection to the dragon and is overcome by the intricacies of it all. Chosen as a guardian, the dragon leaves its egg with Yara – an egg said to have healing powers – a symbol of hope.

“It’s not that the dragon breathes fire, I realise. The dragon is fire.”

All Yara can think about is getting the egg to her sister. If she can just touch it, maybe she’ll be healed. But there are others who want the egg. The Dragon Detection Squad will stop at nothing to discover who has the egg and what it might mean for the future of dragons. Yara becomes a fugitive desperate to save her sister’s life.

Polly Ho-Yen has such a talent for writing engaging fantasy stories with a very real and meaningful message. The metaphor of the dragon and the egg shows readers our human responsiblity to care for the earth and create safe spaces for rewilding. Yara’s commitment as a guardian is something we should all strive for as we find ways we can practically care for the earth and animals. Yara’s own emotional journey explores how we should not shy away from our feelings but share them with others who might be able to help.

A huge, dragon-sized thank you to Knights Of & Ed. Public Relations for inviting me to take part in this blog tour!

Books by Kate Heap (ad):

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